Easy Desk Software http://members.aol.com/easydesk easydesk@aol.com (516) 587-9015 WinSafe98 NOTES YOU MUST USE THE SETUP PROGRAM TO INSTALL ALL THE FAILSAFE FEATURES. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM INSTALLING WinSafe98 CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY BEFORE USE. After you have installed WinSafe98 certain procedures must be observed if you decide to make any of the following changes: Move the Windows directory Compress the C drive Uncompress the C drive You must run the WinSafe Set Boot option after performing any of the above procedures. After rebooting WinSafe will detect a change and make adjustments. TABLE OF CONTENTS Easy Desk Software WinSafe98 NOTES Glossary Who needs WinSafe98 SETUP NETWORKS HOW TO INSTALL WinSafe98 Removing Files from VMM32 WAIT TIME TESTING REBOOTING FREE DISK SPACE BUTTONS: ANTI VIRUS BOOTLOG CHECK REGISTRY DEFRAGMENT EDIT SYSTEM EDIT REGISTRY EXTRACT FILE REPORT HARDWARE MSD REPAIR SYSTEM FILES REPAIR SYSTEM ICONS RESTORE WITH CURRENT RESTORE FROM SAFE RESTORE WITH ORIGINAL SCANDISK SYSTEM INFO SYSTEM REPORT MENU ITEMS: FILES: VIEW FILE LOG VIEW FILE REPORT VIEW VIRUS REPORT VIEW SYSTEM LOG RELOG DETAIL REPORT TURN TIPS ON TROUBLESHOOTER TECH SUPPORT RESTORE: RESTORE RESTORE FROM SAFE RESTORED FROM DOS SAVE OLD CONFIGURATION CLEAR CONFIGURATION SETTINGS WINDOWS BOOT OPTIONS SAVE VMM32 REINSTALL Windows 95/98 SETUP: SETUP TEXT WINSAFE.INI WAIT TIME START TEST TEST STOP BOOTUP SET BOOTUP SYSTEM ONLY UTILITIES: EXPLORER MEMORY TASKMAN MSDOS UNINSTALL WinSafe98 DEVICE MANAGER CONTROL PANEL MOUSE MODEM ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS AUDIO/VIDEO HELP: HELP FILE Crash Recovery BACKING UP ERROR MESSAGES RESTORING RESTORE REGISTRY HOW WinSafe98 WORKS SETUP NETWORKS If you want to install WinSafe98 on a network, please contact the Wolf Agencg to obtain an administrator. Clients can be disabled, set for auto backup and controlled by the server. HOW TO INSTALL WinSafe98 READ THE FILE INSTALL.HTM FOR COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS If you are reading this you have already downloaded and unzipped all the needed files for the successful installation of WinSafe98. To install: Double-click on the program SETUP.EXE to run the setup program. Watch the TASKBAR. If an MSDOS window stays open please close it and continue. Follow the on screen instructions. The install wizard will guide you through the entire process. On most systems, it will take less than 5 minutes. WAIT TIME WinSafe98 can not read files that are in use; it must WAIT until Windows 95/98 is loaded before it runs. If you receive an error notice during startup (bootup) after installing new programs, or after setting up WinSafe98, you may need to adjust the wait time. WinSafe will do this for you if the Registry is in use. If the file that is in use is not the Registry then you will need to adjust the Wait Time manually. This may take up to 10 reboots to Windows to get the WAIT TIME adjusted properly. NOTE: The Wait Time value is not in seconds it read at processor speed. If you have IE 4.0 or higher on your system, you may have to reset the WAIT TIME when you first install WinSafe98 to 17. If you have not selected this option during setup and you get a message box after every boot telling you the Registry has changed and you should backup, then click on Check Registry Size. WinSafe98 will tell you if an error has occurred; or tell you the size of the current Registry and the size of the Registry WinSafe98 has in it's backup. This means that during bootup, some files are still in use that WinSafe98 needs to read. After adjusting the WAIT TIME WinSafe98 will make internal adjustments the next time you boot to Windows if you have set the Wait Time to high or if the Registry is still in use. The preset Wait value is 11 when you install WinSafe98. A value of less then seven may cause WinSafe98 not to be able to read the Registry. If Wait is set too low, you get a message box at EVERY bootup that the Registry has changed. Click on Check Registry Size. If you get a message box saying that an error has occurred then Wait is set too low. Increasing the number will cause a longer Wait and decreasing it will shorten the Wait Time. WinSafe98 must wait until the Registry is loaded and all programs (example: virus scanners) have started booting into Windows. If you get a message window saying that a file is still in use see TESTING in this help file. REBOOTING If you system reboots when trying to access the Hardware utility on the WinSafe98 Interface you may need to reinstall Windows. Some mismatched DLL files that have been installed by other programs usually cause this problem. If you elect to reinstall you need not format first or use the restore feature from your manufactures CD. While Windows is reinstalling you will be prompted that the file being copied is older then the one on your system. It is recommended that you select the older file. You can update that file later. BE SURE to uninstall IE40 before reinstalling Windows, you can reinstall it later. TESTING Testing is used when you have installed a program that WinSafe98 can not read. The message is File in use. You will receive this error message at bootup. To fix the problem use The START TEST On the menu bar click on SETUP then START TEST. If the exception list is full, WinSafe will ask if it should clear it. Answer yes and it will rebuild it. Then Reboot, after rebooting if the file still is in use increase the Wait Time by 5. Then try rebooting again and repeat the process. FREE DISK SPACE The free disk space may change each time you start WinSafe98. This is due to the size of your swap file in use. If during the course of a session, your free disk space decreases more than 30 Megs and you have not saved new files or added much information to your system, then you probably have a memory leak. WinSafe98 reads the free disk space only once upon access to the WinSafe98 interface. WinSafe98 can only report free space up to 2,147,155,968 bytes. If you should ever notice that the Free Space suddenly drops in large amount of disk space you FAT is messed up. You need to run Scandisk. Example: lets say you have 1,543,200,338 Free Space when you first start up your computer, then by the end of the day you notice that WinSafe98 is reporting 889,233 or something like this. You have a FAT problem. You should make repairs NOW before rebooting. Simply run scandisk. BUTTONS PICTURE of SAFE: If you click on the little Safe in the lower portion of the WinSafe interface you will disable WinSafe98 from performing any tasks. You can now click on any button or Menu Item and WinSafe98 will describe to you what the button or Menu Item does and how to use it. To enable WinSafe98 click on the Safe a second time. ANTI VIRUS: This option provides access to the MS virus scanner and is set to verify files in the event of a crash. Verifying files means that it will report files that have changed their Checksums. Use this button to check for a virus or to find if a file (DLL or exe, sys, or COM) as been replaced or corrupted. BACKUP CURRENT FILES: This button will allow WinSafe98 to backup all your vital files. If WinSafe98 tells you that your Registry or system files have changed and you computer is not performing properly ignore the message to backup until you have fixed your system. To save a newer version of Vmm32.vxd use the Menu Item Save Vmm32 first and then click on Backup Current Files. BOOTLOG: This button will search the bootlog file for failed to load files due to corruption, missing files or conflicts. You can replace the corrupted files or edit the Registry to fix these files. CHECK REGISTRY: Will tell you the size of the Registry in bytes as of the last bootup that WinSafe98 logged (by using the Set Boot Option) and the size of the current backup Registry. If you click yes to the message window the file Detail Report will be displayed. DEFRAGMENT: This selection accesses the DEFRAG utility which defragments your files. Fragmented files are scattered all over the hard drive. This condition slows your computer. Running DEFRAG reassembles defragmented files into contiguous sectors. This generally speeds up your computer. You should run defrag at least once a week. EDIT SYSTEM: This selection accesses the system files for editing. You can access the Win.ini, System.ini, Autoexec.bat, Config.sys, Protocol.ini, and MSMail.ini. CAUTION: Improper editing of some of these files may cause problems. EDIT REGISTRY: This selection accesses the Registry for editing. CAUTION: Editing this file incorrectly may crash Windows. WinSafe98 can rescue you from a corrupted Registry. If you edit the Registry be sure to reboot before attempting to backup. EXTRACT: This selection searches for and extracts a file from the Windows 95/98 cabinet files. It can also extract any file from any cabinet file. FILE REPORT: This selection commands WinSafe98 to inspect your system and compare it with the system information it collected when you last successfully booted to Windows. WinSafe98 will then tell you what files have been changed, added or deleted. The last report may be viewed any time with View File Report. These feature checks system files including all the Ini files in the Windows folder. HARDWARE: This utility will list all the information that you will need for diagnosing a hardware problem. It can be set to view those devices with problems only. It will display all class items and describe the fault with the hardware item. This will make it easier to repair then using the Device Manager. If you setup a Generic printer, text only, you can print the file the hardware utility creates to the Winsafe directory and save as "Hardware.prn". WinSafe will then add a Menu Item to the Files list for easy access. MSD: This button accesses the MSD utility, a diagnostic tool, used to diagnose problems with Windows 95/98 hardware, system files, Com ports, networks and more. This file is available on your CD. If you do not have a CD, you can download the file from the Internet. If MSD starts twice when you click the MSD button you will need to remove the File MSD.exe located in Windows or Windows\Command folder. If you download this file be sure to expand the file MSDzip.exe first then copy just the file MSD.exe to the WinSafe folder. Make sure that you only have one copy of MSD.exe on your computer, or Windows will run two copies at a time. Coping this file to WinSafe does many things, mainly if you are in Msdod mode you need not be going back and forward to the Windows folder to find the problems in a crash. Every thing will be available at the WinSafe prompt. REPAIR SYSTEM FILES: Use this button to repair errors received at boot up that system files have been changed. This will install the original system DLL and drv files. This will also restore the Vmm32.vxd file. REPAIR SYSTEM ICONS: This will restore you icons. Use this when your icons become unassociated or they are displayed incorrectly. RESTORE WITH CURRENT: This button will allow WinSafe98 to replace all your vital files with WinSafe98's backup files. You can use this feature to aid in uninstalling a program that was registered in system files if you have not backed up since the installation of the program you wish to remove. To restore the Vmm32.vxd file use the Repair System Files button. RESTORE WITH CURRENT is the FIRST utility to use if your Registry becomes corrupted. RESTORE FROM SAFE: Use this feature when you have accidentally backed up with a corrupted Registry. This will install an earlier version of the system files. You should update the files in the Safe about once a month by using the Menu Item Save Old Configuration. RESTORE FROM SAFE is the utility to use if RESTORE WITH CURRENT fails. RESTORE WITH ORIGINAL: This feature should only be used as a last resort in correcting the system. This will install the Registry that was created the last time you installed Windows 95/98. This feature is only available if you have not deleted the needed file. SCANDISK: This button accesses Scandisk, used to repair errors and unlocks your hard drive. SYSTEM INFO: This Microsoft utility will display system information about running modules, memory, processor, printer info, and much more. TIP: At a time when your system is running well, print a copy of this report for future reference. SYSTEM REPORT: This feature will create a report from the VIRUS SCANNER, MSD, and the BOOTLOG all combined for easy viewing and comparison with the report generated the day you installed WinSafe98. The original report can be viewed by selecting the Menu Bar Item Files and then View System Report. This feature is very useful when you are experiencing problems or just for a check up of you system. You will be able to view all the changes on your computer by comparing the original report and the current report. Also read the MSD section. Contains information needed if you run into any problems using this button. If you setup a Generic printer, text only, you can print this report file to the Winsafe directory and save as "System.prn". WinSafe will then add a Menu Item to the Files list for easy access. MENU ITEMS HELP CRASH RECOVERY: Accesses the Restore file, which contains information on how to restore your computer if you crash. This file is written in plain text format so you may access it from DOS. HELP FILE: Accesses this file. A plain text copy is also available for viewing from DOS. FILES VIEW FILE LOG: Will display a list of files that WinSafe98 has polled the last time you booted to Windows. This is the list that will be checked when you use the File Report button. VIEW FILE REPORT: Displays the latest report generated by WinSafe98 File Report. VIEW VIRUS REPORT: Displays the report that the virus scanner made the last time you ran it. VIEW SYSTEM LOG: This is the report that WinSafe98 made and saved when you installed updated or reinstalled WinSafe98. This report show the status of your system the date you made the first System Report. RELOG: Makes WinSafe98 start a new log. This will over write the last log created at bootup, allowing you to create a new report without having to reboot. This is a valuable feature if you crash to Safe Mode, restore your files and still crash again. This log contains the list of file that WinSafe98 will pole when you use the File Report. DETAIL REPORT: This is a comparison report on the sizes of certain files in Windows and in the WinSafe98 backup. If you get a message that a system file is corrupted you can view this report and look for a zero byte file in the first line of each file. If you find one replace it. TURN TIPS ON: This turns the Tips Of The Day feature on and off. The tips pertain to restoring your computer, and preventing a crash. This file can be downloaded from our Web Site help file section at http://members.aol.com/easydesk/our.htm. When you log on you will find a date posted of the latest version of our continually updated Tips. TROUBLE SHOOTER: This will access the Windows 95/98 help files and the TroubleShooter for diagnosing your problems. TECH SUPPORT: If you are a registered user, you may get free tech support. From here, you can email us, link into our Web Site, get our telephone #, or obtain your Registration #. If you crash and need help from EASY DESK Software, you will need your Registration #. RESTORE RESTORE: This Menu Item is the same as RESTORE WITH CURRENT button. Use it when your mouse is not working, you can use your keyboard. This will allow WinSafe98 to replace all your vital files with WinSafe98's backup files. You can use this feature to aid in uninstalling a program that was registered in system files if you have not backed up since the installation of the program you wish to remove. RESTORE WITH CURRENT is the FIRST utility to use if your Registry becomes corrupted. RESTORE FROM SAFE: Use this feature when you have accidentally backed up with a corrupted Registry. This will install an earlier version of the system files. RESTORE FROM SAFE is the utility to use if RESTORE WITH CURRENT fails. RESTORED FROM DOS: This command is only used after you have restored from the DOS prompt using either the WinSafe or the WinSafe1 command and you are still in Safe Mode but wish to install the Autoexec.bat and the Config.sys files. You would only use this command if your Autoexec.bat or Config.sys file contains some information that is required by your system to operate. WinSafe98 once rebooted to Windows successfully will detect the Restoration and attempt to make the needed repairs. You may also use this command if you have selected the Boot Option Stop Boot. SAVE OLD CONFIGURATION: If you click on this Menu Item, the next time you use the Backup Current Files button you will save the current backup files to the SAFE. These files will be used if you choose the Restore From Safe feature or if you crash and need the WinSafe1 command at the DOS prompt. WinSafe98 will tell you when these files were last updated. CLEAR CONFIGURATION SETTINGS: This will remove the setting you set using the Save or Install Old Configuration commands. This will stop Winsafe from saving or installing these files. WINDOWS BOOT OPTIONS This opens a window to show you and allow you to change the way Windows boots up. SAVE VMM32: This command will allow you to backup the VMM32.vxd file (Virtual Memory Driver) the next time you Backup Current Files. This file only needs to be updated if Winsafe tells you that the file has changed. It is also wise to reboot a few time to insure that you system is operating correctly and create and review a new bootlog before backing up this file. REINSTALL Windows 95/98: WinSafe98 will reinstall Windows 95/98 using your cabinet files. This feature is also available at the DOS prompt See the Restore text. You must have the cabinet files and Setup program on your hard drive or on diskettes, as WinSafe98 does not load the CD drivers. To use this feature with your Windows 95/98 CD, you must have a Startup diskette first that loads your CD drivers. This driver disk usually comes with a new computer or new after market CD. If this feature was not enabled at the time you installed WinSafe98 then you may enable it at any time by clicking on this button. SETUP SETUP TEXT: This option accesses the installation instruction file; Install.htm Here you will also find information needed to adjust the WAIT TIME at startup. WINSAFE.INI: Accesses the Initialization file for WinSafe98 if you need to edit it due to deleted files or adding files. Unless you are very familiar with WinSafe98, do not edit this file. WAIT TIME: This command allows you to change the startup wait time for WinSafe98. See WAIT TIME. START TEST: Puts WinSafe98 in Test Mode also see TESTING TEST: For Tech support use only. BOOT OPTIONS: STOP BOOTUP: This option will disable WinSafe98 from monitoring your bootup. You will no longer get the Please Wait message when you boot to Windows. WinSafe98 will no longer be able to tell when files change or which files have been added or deleted on a daily basis. If you select this option the Exit Windows option is also disabled. SET BOOTUP ON: Will turn on the bootup monitoring if you turned it off with Stop Bootup or System Only. If you select this option the Exit Windows option is also disabled. SYSTEM ONLY: WinSafe98 will monitor the Registry only. There will be no Please Wait message, but you must still have the Wait Time adjusted correctly for this feature. Set the Wait Time while using the Set Bootup. This feature is generally used on networks. UTILITIES EXPLORER: Accesses the Explorer MEMORY: Will display a window that will show you your available memory. This feature is handy when a program decides to rewrite your Config.sys and use all your computers memory. TASKMAN: This utility is great for Safe Mode when you can not access your start button, if you use auto hide or if the Explorer stops working after a system crash. If WinSafe is open, the Taskman can shut you down safely. MSDOS: This option accesses the MSDOS Window for use with DOS commands. UNINSTALL WinSafe98: This will uninstall WinSafe98. DEVICE MANAGER: This will access the Device Manager. It is useful for setting system configuration. CONTROL PANEL: Open various control panels that are likely to be the cause of your problems. MOUSE: Opens Mouse system control panel MODEM: Opens Modems system control panel ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS: This opens the Windows 95/98 Add/Remove Programs window. From here, you can make a system disk. This disk will not contain backup files for your system. It is for diagnosing crashes. AUDIO/VIDEO: This opens the Audio and Video Control Panel for setting system configurations. BACKING UP Everything is working fine when you get the message Backup Complete after backing up with no error messages. After WinSafe98 has been successfully installed and setup, WinSafe98 will tell you that you need to backup your files, whenever a system file changes. You can check this by clicking the Check Registry size. Backup if the Registry size is changed. Also see Wait Time Backup your files immediately after startup when prompted. Do this before installing anything or accessing any programs. NOTE: if you have recently installed a new program, delay backing up for one or two boot ups to insure that your new software is working and the system is stable. WinSafe98 will only let you backup all your files once after each Windows startup. If you wish to backup a second time, you must restart your computer first. This is to insure that you do not save corrupted files. ERROR MESSAGES If you receive an error message after WinSafe98 has been setup read the Setup text file. If the error message is File Still In Use see Testing. If the testing process does not fix the error, see #3 below. If you receive error message during startup (rebooting) read the WAIT TIME section. If the Wait time adjustment does not eliminate the error, read #3 below. Some files that have no attributes are in use by Windows at all times. If you locate the file in the Explorer and right click it and select Properties you may find that the only attribute check is Archive. If this is the case and you have already done the test with WinSafe98 then you will need to edit the WinSafe.ini file. Add the file name in capital letters to the [FILES] section. Replace an available (1 - 10 =1 is available) line with the file name. example: 2=SYSTEM.TXT RESTORING Restore only if you have a problem or you installed some program that you want to remove and did not back up since installation of that program. Alternatively, you may use the INSTALL OLD CONFIGURATION command. To restore files in SAFE MODE or a lockout read the Restore Text. To help fix the problem you should read the Restore text as it will help you diagnose what the fault is. RESTORE REGISTRY If you find yourself in Windows and a message box telling you to restore DO NOT CLICK ON THE BUTTON yet. If you click this button now without copying the System.da0 and the User.da0 from the WinSafe directory to the Windows directory you may be installing a corrupted Registry again. WinSafe98 will rename your Windows System.da0 and User.da0 (these are the Windows backup copies) then restore with WinSafe. WinSafe will replace both the Registry and the Backup files. After you have restored with WinSafe reboot. After reentering Windows 95/98, the registry box may still be there. Now you can click on the Restore from backup that Windows is displaying. Once Windows displays this message box it remembers and thinks that you did not restore. It will display this message until you click on the button and reboot. If you restore the Registry and Windows 95/98 wants to come in Safe Mode try to choose Normal. If you come in under Safe Mode and if there is a message box that tells you to restore from Windows backup click on it. Windows will be copying the files you just restored with to the Registry. This will do nothing accept make Windows happy. Note: When you restore the Registry with a file with a large byte size difference, Windows sees this as a corrupted Registry. After rebooting Windows will prompt you to restore with its backup files. WinSafe has already replaced both the Windows backup of the Registry and the Registry. Windows 95/98 may display the message box after rebooting a few times. If after at least three times the problem persists, you will need to install an earlier version of the Registry. You will n then did to use the Restore From Safe. HOW WinSafe98 WORKS WinSafe98 uses an installation program that sets up its' own directory; backs up all your vital files and then hides them with attributes so that you may not be able to see them. WinSafe98 also placed additional backup files in the "Safe" when you installed it. The Safe is a hidden subdirectory of Winsafe. In the Safe is a copy of the Registry, Win.ini file and your System.ini. WinSafe98 will never replace these files unless you request SAVE OLD CONFIGURATION. They are placed here for you to use if you should ever backup with corrupted files. WinSafe98 also takes a picture of your system and saves the current information in a log. The information is stored until you restart your computer again and replaced with a new log. This log will not be replaced if you boot into Windows in Safe Mode. If you use the RELOG command WinSafe98 will start a new log. To view changes made to your system since you last booted to Windows click on the FILE REPORT button and when WinSafe98 finishes reviewing the log and your current system it will display the information. You can then see if any changes were made to your system files since you last booted into Windows successfully. This may take a minute or two. What Is the Safe? The Safe is a hidden directory that you may view only if you have selected the option in the Explorer under View/Options. This directory contains four files that were placed there when you last installed WinSafe98. These are the files that are installed if you select RESTORE FROM SAFE these files can also be updated by selecting Save Old Configuration. GLOSSARY Compressed Drive: Under Windows 95/98, a COMPRESSED drive is a virtual drive whose data resides in a file that is located on a HOST drive. This file is called drvspace.###, where ### is a number like 001. The virtual drive may appear in My Computer as any drive you choose, including the C: drive. Use the MSWindows 95/98 program Drivespace3 to create and manage compressed drives. Crash: A term used to reference the various causes of a computer or one of its components, to fail or refuse to operate. Most simple problems with a program or device can be fixed by simply rebooting the computer or clicking on a First-Aid type Fix-It button. Serious physical problems such as fire or head crashes usually require component replacement. In between are the Windows 95/98 OS problems that occur when an important system file becomes corrupt that does not fix itself by simply rebooting. This is where WinSafe98 comes to the rescue. Empty Drive: An empty drive is like a compressed drive with one important difference. An empty drive is not compressed. Like a compressed drive it is a virtual drive whose data resides in a file that is located on a HOST drive. For all practical purposes, it is a drive partition. Menu Bar Item: The words that are at the top of the interface, Files, Restore, Setup, Utilities, and Help. Menu Item: The item list found under each of the Menu Bar words. OS (System): The special software that enables all your hardware and other software to communicate is called the Operating System (OS). WinSafe98 was created to protect your Operating System (Windows 95/98) from software disaster. It is also simply referred to as the system. Taskbar & Tray: The graphical device on the Windows 95/98 desktop with the Small Windows Flag on the START Button. The Tray is a small area near the Clock with tiny icons for Volume Control, System agent and any number of other items, including, if you have them, Background Virus Check, and other Utilities. Windows: Windows is a loose term that can mean different things. A Window is a graphical box that appears in a screen. It can feature independent properties. In Windows 95/98 the screen is known as the desktop. Windows 95/98 is the operating system of your computer. (Unless you have DOS, Apple, Amiga, NT, OS2, UNIX, Linux or other OS.) Windows is the name of the directory or folder in the Windows 95/98 OS that contains the files needed to operate your computer REMOVING FILES FROM VMM32 If you should ever need to remove a file from the VMM32 list, files that the Extit Icon part of WinSafe reports as deleted you will need to edit the WinSafe.ini. You can do this on of two ways, first ways is to remove the file and its size then lower the set number by one; or the easiest way to to remove the entire [FOLDER] section then save the file, WinSafe will rebuild this information with the files that now exist in the vmm32 folder. â ä